On this page, you will find a list of public educational gatherings that we have held on topics related to Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections.
Being Italian on Turtle Island
October 6th 2020
During the webinar Being Italian on Turtle Island, Dr. Angela Nardozi worked to connect Italian migration to the ongoing project of settler-colonialism in Canada. Using personal storytelling, Nardozi reflected on her family’s history of migration and the privileges that were afforded to them as settlers. As described by Nardozi, the webinar sought to address the following questions:
How do we understand our Italian-Canadian identities in relationship to the colonization of Turtle Island
How do historical so-called figures like Cabot and Columbus factor into this story
How do we hold up our end of the Nation-to-Nation relationship?

Starting a Conversation
February 24th 2021
This event focused on starting a conversation among individuals who have knowledge about the connection between Italian-Canadian communities and Indigenous Nations. This includes those who are of both Indigenous and Italian heritage, Italian(-Canadians) who work with Indigenous communities, and Indigenous people who have a relationship with Italian-Canadians.
Below, you can view a graphic record of the event by Nigit'stil Norbert. The poster summarizes the conversation that took place and is a reference piece that we ground ourselves in as we chart our next steps.

Indigenous & Italian-Canadian
Connections presented by Villa Charities
May 11th, 2021
A community talk given by Dr. Angela Nardozi and Dr. Paolo Frascà.

The Land We Are On
May 20th 2021
During this webinar, Darin Wybenga, a member of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, spoke about the history of the Mississaugas in Southern Ontario, the Toronto Purchase, and what it means for Italian-Canadians to be "treaty people."
Selected excerpts from the slideshow presentation:
Slideshow excepts provided by Darin P. Wybenga, the Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Coordinator of Mississauga of the Credit First Nation.
Catholicism and Residential “Schools”
August 10th 2021
This event focused on the role of the Catholic church in colonialism and on how Italian-Canadians and other communities can recognize settler responsibility and take meaningful action. Our two speakers were Dr. John Doran (Mi’kmaq, Professor at University of Prince Edward Island) and Dr. Alexandra Giancarlo (Italian-Canadian, Professor at University of Calgary).

Practicing Italian Folk Traditions on Indigenous Land
January 7th, 2022
On January 7th, the Iacobucci Centre for Italian-Canadian Studies at the University of Toronto hosted the virtual event “Practicing Italian Folk Traditions on Indigenous Land”, as part of the ongoing Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections project.
For this event, Dr. Angela Nardozi and Dr. Paolo Frascà engaged Arianne Di Nardo in a conversation reflecting on the guiding question: What does it mean for Italian-Canadians to practice Italian folk traditions and land-based practices on Indigenous land?
The response to this event was energetic and palpable! We are humbled by the interest in the event and the resonance the conversation seemed to carry for the community members in attendance.

Re-shaping Italian-Canadian & Indigenous Connections through Naming Practices
March 4th 2022
A talk by Prof. Anna Mongibello, from the University of Naples, "L'Orientale", on how naming practices, particularly those connected to Italian history, shape our relationships with Indigenous Nations.

Journey to the Vatican: Honouring Métis Narratives and Healing
April 24 2022
A talk by Tera Beaulieu on her experience as part of the Métis delegation to the Vatican in March of 2022.
Because of the strong relationship between the Italian State and the Holy See, and because of the important role of Catholicism in many communities of the Italian diaspora, it is important for Italian-Canadians to learn about the role of the Church in colonial pursuits, such as the Residential "School" System in Canada.
During this talk, our community also learned about the Métis Nation to expand our knowledge of the diversity of Indigenous Nations.

Italian-Canadians and Ukrainian-Canadians: Living on Indigenous Land
March 9 2023
A conversation with Leah Hrycun, a Ukrainian-Canadian scholar pursuing research on the diverse stories of Indigenous and Ukrainian settler relationships, Dr. Paolo Frascà and Dr. Angela Nardozi.
During this event, Leah Hrycun shared her research and many points of convergence and divergence emerged when c

The Wisdom of Grandmothers in Children's Literature
October 19 2023
A touching event featuring authors Dr. Brenda Wastasecoot and Gianna Patriarca to discuss their children's books Granny's Giant Bannock and Nonna and the Girls Next Door.
The questions we explored during this event were:
What are the roles and responsibilities of Grandmothers?
How do they transmit their knowledges?
What are the obstacles to that transmission?
What is the role of children's literature in Indigenous and Italian-Canadian communities?